Yoga For Back Pain

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Yoga involves a series of poses, also called postures, and emphasizes breathing techniques. The postures teach you to stretch and strengthen your muscles, which helps reduce muscular tension, build flexibility and strength, and improve balance and bone strength.

For low back pain, yoga can be especially helpful to the muscles that support the back and spine, such as the paraspinal muscles that help you bend your spine, the multifidus muscles that stabilize your vertebrae, and the transverse abdominis in the abdomen, which also helps stabilize your spine.

The benefits of yoga go beyond muscles. The slow movements and the continuous focus on proper breathing can improve the emotional aspect of back pain by helping to lower stress and alleviate anxiety and depression.


It correct misalignment patterns that often are involved in chronic pain.It maintain healthy spine and keep the spine supple and reduce low back pain associated with nerve compression that usually occurs due to deterioration of vertebral.It may play a role in correcting faulty spinal posture and decongestion of the spinal nerves.



• keeping a distance of 2 inches between your feet
• Inhale and lift your arms in front, leveling up to your shoulders
• Lock the fingers of both hands together and then slowly rotate your wrist outwards
• Now inhale and lift your hands above the head
• While lifting your arms, also lift your heels off the ground, balancing your entire body weight on your toes
• Be in this position for 20 - 30 seconds or as long as you are comfortable
• Now slowly bring your heels down
• Exhale and release your fingers
• Now draw your arms down and return to the initial position.



Twisting the upper body and it improves mobility of spine, shoulder,neck. It will keep the spinal muscle mobile and strong, making the everyday movements easy and preparing mind for intense forward-side and back bends. It improved spinal mobility prevent back pain.


How To Do Katichakrasana

• Stand with the feet about shoulder width apart and the arms by the sides.
• Raise the arms to shoulder level, then twist the body to the right.
• Bring the left hand to the right shoulder and wrap the right arm around the back, bringing the right hand around the left side of the waist.
• Look over the right shoulder as far as is comfortable.
• Keep the back of the neck straight and imagine the top of the spine is the fixed point around which the head turns.
• Hold for two seconds, accentuate the twist, gently stretching the abdomen.
• Return to the starting position.
• Repeat on the other side to complete one round.
• Keep the feet firmly on the ground while twisting.
• Relax the arms and back as much as possible throughout the practice. Do not strain. The movement should be relaxed and spontaneous.
• Perform the rotation smoothly, without jerking or stiffness.
Practise 5 to 1 0 rounds.

  How To Do Katichakrasana

Wakrasana (Vakrasana)

It activates spinal nerves and enhances spinal card flexibility and improves blood circulation to the spine. Help to strengthen the lower back and provide relief from occasional pain and discomfort. It stretch the abdomen muscles with spinal muscles.

Wakrasana (Vakrasana)

How To Do Wakrasana (Vakrasana)

• Sit comfortably on your yoga mat or on the floor, keeping your spine straight and perpendicular to the floor.
• Stretch both your legs to the front and breathe.
• Bend your right leg at your knee, placing the foot at the side of your left leg.
• Do not forget to keep your knee straight and stretched properly.
• After this, place your right hand behind and rest your palms on the floor.
• Keep this in alignment with your right leg and away from your body.
• Breathe in slowly and place the left thigh on the right leg. Keep your elbows straight.
• Now breathe out and twist carefully to the right-hand part.
• Breathe normally, and do not rush into ending it. Hold this position for 2-3 minutes.
• Carefully and gently relax and exit from the posture to return to the original pose.
• Continue the process on the other side.


It creates maximum extension in the spine, it flexes the spine, and reduces lower back stiffness. It flexes the spine, it causes back muscles to relieve tension.


How To Do Shasangasana

• Sit down on the ground or on a yoga mat.
• Fold the right foot and place it behind the back or the right butt (hips).
• Then fold the left foot in the same way and keep it behind the back towards the left hips and sit down.
• Now breathing keep your both hands upwards.
• After this, slowly lean forward and leave the breath outwards.
• Place head and palms on the floor.
• Now, breathing first, lift the stomach and chest, and lift the hands and come into the starting position.
• In this way, do this asana 4 to 5 times.


It stretches and stabilize muscles in the spine and abdomen are strengthened. Thus release tension in back and spine. It improve the blood flow to lower back muscles, thus enhances flow of nutrient to muscles. It may also stimulate sensory and motor nerves arising from the spine.


How To Do Marjariasana

• Sit in vajrasana.
• Raise the buttocks and stand on the knees.
• Lean fotward and place the hands flat on the floor beneath the shoulders with the fingers facing fotward.
• The hands should be in line with the knees; the arms and thighs should be perpendicular to the floor.
• The knees may be slightly separated so that they are well aligned under the hips.
• This is the starting position.
• Inhale while raising the head and depressing the spine so that the back becomes concave.
• Expand the abdomen fully and fill the lungs with the maximum amount of air.
• Hold the breath for 3 seconds.
• Exhale while lowering the head and stretching the spine upward.
• At the end of exhalation, contract the abdomen and pull in the buttocks.
• The head will now be between the arms, facing the thighs.
• Hold the breath for 3 seconds, accentuating the arch of the spine and the abdominal contraction.
• This is one round.


Strengthen lower back muscles thus providing relieve from back pain. It improves the spine flexibility and strengthens abdomen , back ,leg ,hip,and buttocks muscles. It tones the nerves in spinal cord . It alleviates sciatica by relaxing sciatic nerves.


How To Do Vygarasana

• Assume the starting position for marjari-asana and look fot ward.
• Relax the whole body.
• Arching the back downwards, straighten the right leg, stretching it up and back.
• Bend the right knee.
• Look up and bring the toes towards the back of the head.
• Hold the breath for a few seconds in this position.
• Straighten the right leg, bend the knee and swing the leg under the hips.
• Simultaneously, arch the back up and bend the head down, bringing the knee towards the nose.
• The right foot should not touch the floor.
• The thigh presses against the chest.
• Hold for a few seconds while retaining the breath outside.
• Move the foot straight back and again stretch the leg.
• Bend the knee and continue with the slow swinging movements.
• After practising on one side, relax in marjar-asana.
• Repeat with the other leg.


It strengthen the lower back musclesband loosens the spinal vertebra. It eases tension, especially in the lower back.


How To Do Pawanmuktasana

• Lie in the starting position and relax.
• Bend both knees and bring the thighs to the chest.
• Interlock the fingers and clasp the hands on the shin bones just below the knees.
• Inhale deeply.
• Exhaling, raise the head and shoulders and try to place the nose in the space· between the two knees.
• Hold the raised position for a few seconds, counting mentally.
• Slowly lower the head, shoulders and legs while inhaling.
• Practise this 3 times.

Supta Udarakarshanasana

It give twist to spine and it is a exercise for flexibility of spine. Twisting of spinal muscles relieves the strain and stiffness caused by prolonged sitting. It activates the parasympathetic nervous system. It improve lower spine flexibility and eases the sciatica by stretching sciatic nerve.

 Supta Udarakarshanasana

How To Do Supta Udarakarshanasana

• Lie in the starting position and relax.
• Bend the knees and place the soles of both feet flat on the floor, directly in front of the buttocks.
• Keep the knees and feet together throughout the practice.
• Interlock the fingers of both hands, place the palms under the back of the head and let the elbows touch the floor.
• Breathe in, and while breathing out, slowly lower the legs to the right, trying to bring the knees down to the floor.
• The feet should remain in contact with each other, although the left foot will move slightly off the floor.
• At the same time, gently turn the head and neck in the opposite direction to the legs.
• This will give a uniform twisting stretch to the entire spine.
• Hold the breath in the final position while mentally counting three seconds.
• While breathing in, raise both legs to the upright position.
• Keep the shoulders and elbows on the floor throughout.
• Repeat on the left side to complete one round.
• Practise 5 complete rounds.

How To Do Supta Udarakarshanasana

Setu Bandasana

It give stretch to your back,neck,spine and chest. As a result , the blood circulation in the areas improves and tension in your muscles gets released. It strengthen back muscles.

Setu Bandasana

How To Do Setu Bandasana

• Lying on your back, bend both knees and place the feet flat on the floor hip width apart.
• Slide the arms alongside the body with the palms facing down.
• The fingertips should be lightly touching the heels.
• Press the feet into the floor, inhale and lift the hips up, rolling the spine off the floor.
• Lightly squeeze the knees together to keep the knees hip width apart.
• Press down into the arms and shoulders to lift the chest up.
• Engage the legs, buttocks and mula bandha to lift the hips higher.
• Breathe and hold for 4-8 breaths.
To release: exhale and slowly roll the spine back to the floor.


It strengthen the spine and improve blood circulation improve flexibility of upper and middle back. it could aid in supporting the health of spine.


How To Do Bhujangasana

• Lie down flat on your abdomen, in the relaxation posture.
• Cross your hands in front of you so you can place your head on them.
• Slowly bring your legs close together.
• Place your forehead on the floor.
• Move your arms so that they are folded at the elbow and your
palms are close to your shoulders.
• Raise your elbows off the floor slightly.
• Inhale.
• Raise your forehead with your chin pushed out.
• Raise your torso from the ground.
• Ensure that your abdomen remains pressed to the floor.
• Reflect on the movement of a snake raising its hood and gradually
feel the stretch of your spine.
• Maintain posture.
• Unwind slowly till your body is back flat against the floor.
• Keep your head lifted till your torso completely unrolls.

